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type SpecialNFT {
flowID: Int!
seriesFlowID: Int!
version: Int!
type: SpecialNFTType!
set: SpecialSet!
acquiredAt: Time!
owner: NftOwner
originalOwner: NftOwner
momentTopshotScore: MomentTopshotScore
auction: Auction
price: Price


flowID ● Int! non-null scalar

seriesFlowID ● Int! non-null scalar

version ● Int! non-null scalar

type ● SpecialNFTType! non-null enum

set ● SpecialSet! non-null object

acquiredAt ● Time! non-null scalar

owner ● NftOwner union

originalOwner ● NftOwner union

momentTopshotScore ● MomentTopshotScore object

auction ● Auction object

price ● Price scalar

Member of

GetSpecialNFTResponse object ● GetSpecialNFTsResponse object ● GetUserOwnedSpecialNFTsResponse object